From a grizzly bear, killer whale, shark and alligator, we thought we’ve already seen all the wackiest sleeping bags out there. Well, apparently not, because this Metapod sleeping bag from Bandai also deserves a spot on our list! Inspired by the famous bug type Pokémon, this quirky bedroll will allow you to literally enjoy living in a cocoon.
This sleeping pod features an accurate representation of Caterpie’s evolved form, including its crescent-shaped body and lifeless eyes. It’s made of polyester and EVA with plush padding inside for a comfortable nap. It measures 4.9 feet long and 3.1 feet tall, with a distance of 5.6 feet from head to toe.

Transform yourself into a real-life Pokémon with this Metapod sleeping bag

While it’s ideal for sleeping with your back against the wall, it’s also perfect for sleeping curled up on the ground. It also comes with a zipper that zips up to just about your neck, so you can breathe comfortably. Likewise, this allows you to see your cozy self in the mirror, which will probably convince you to stay inside the sleeping bag for good.

This Pokémon pod is perfect for both home and office use. Plus, it certainly makes an excellent addition to any Pokémon fan’s collection. Similarly, it’s a unique gift option for anyone who’s looking to take a break from the harsh reality of life. It also makes a great Halloween and cosplay costume, especially if you’re not keen on mingling with other people. Not to mention, they’re a good way to socially distance yourself from other people in this new normal.

Whether you use this Metapod bedroll for a quick nap or simply to avoid people, one thing’s for sure: You’ll never want to come out of it again. So, while you’re at it, you might as well pack yourself some food and drinks too! And hopefully, after your long hibernation, you’ll come out recharged and you will feel like a better version of yourself. Well, pretty much like how Metapod finally evolves into Butterfree.
Source: Bandai