Someone invented a rotary cellphone to prove that going back to basics is the best way to go. Smartphones are perhaps the most revolutionary invention of the 21st century, we give you that. This portable multi-purpose device has an integrated computer which makes it more than just a phone. It allows us to utilize highly advanced features similar to those of a personal computer. A high-resolution touch screen display, QWERTY keyboard, wireless connectivity, web browsing capability, installation of applications and a digital camera. With a smartphone, we get all of those features in the palm of our hands.
But regardless of its many uses, high-tech smartphones aren’t for everyone. Some people believe that phones should just stick to being ‘phones’. And this means all other features not related to ‘making phone calls’ are unnecessary distractions to its real purpose. Justine Haupt, a space engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, also thinks so. It is for this reason that she designed and created this unique cellphone.

For those who got the privilege to use landlines back in the ol’ days, this may look a bit too familiar. Yes, that dial sure brings back memories. Remember when you needed to make a call and you had to take your time dialing each number with precision? Not to mention those satisfying noises it makes every time we rotate the dial. Those were the good ol’ days, indeed. Just when we thought gone are the days when phones are just phones, Haupt comes in to bring back the retro nostalgia.
Justine Haupt introduces her latest invention – the Rotary Cellphone

Unlike smartphones, this cellphone can only make phone calls. No finicky touchscreens, menus or applications included. Just a simple device with a basic function – to make phone calls and just phone calls. But unlike landlines, this modern cellphone features wireless connection through its external adjustable antenna with an SMA connector.
Furthermore, it has a built-in memory that allows you to designate and store a single physical key to each phone number that you call most often. So you can just dial in one key every time you want to make a call to your loved ones.

This cellphone may not have an LCD touchscreen but it has an ePaper display at the back showing call log details. The functional retro mobile phone was initially created for Haupt’s personal use. After featuring her invention on her website, she’s been getting so many requests from people who want to buy her retro mobile phone.

Due to high demand, Haupt decided to offer a kit which includes the major components need for building the cellphone. The kit includes the mainboard and the 3D printed casing complete with buttons and threaded inserts. However, the kit doesn’t include the rotary dial, 3G module, ePaper display, Lipo battery, GSM antenna and 3G sim card. This means that you have to buy these components separately to construct your own rotary cellphone.
The kit includes the mainboard and 3D printed enclosure

Source: SkysEdge | Justine Haupt