There are some things in life that are quite hard to explain. Of course, not everything has a logical explanation but they are still interesting nonetheless! If you love a mystery that also provides you with a laugh, here we have some strange pictures that will leave you with many questions!
Strange pictures often mean strange explanations. See if you can figure out what’s gone on in the images below!
I hope Harry and Ron didn’t steal this one again.

The moment your realize superheroes have social lives too.

When no one is above the law:

When there’s literally no explanation for this…

When you have to explain yourself…

How to destroy innocence…

When you’re unsure of what to accomplish…

When aristocrats try to be just like the rest of us…

Meanwhile in Jerusalem…

Someone is going to have an awful day.

When camels come out for a break…

Just casually parking your yacht outside your house.

When you’re about to meet your spirit animal…

Just one of those rare moments when DC defeats Marvel.

When Gadget Hackwrench is your hero…

Let’s hope this guy is okay.

When you refuse to live in the present…

Or you just want to feel comfortable…

Quality parking right there.

When you’re juggling motherhood and work at the same time…

When you just want a better view of the city…

Marketing at its finest.

Full-time soldier, part-time clown.

When all they have is each other:

Or you just can’t be bothered to pay for parking:

When you can’t choose between two careers…

Or when you decided to take a nap and don’t want anyone to bother you…