We’ve previously featured some photos showing what it’s like working from home with pets during the quarantine period. True, the work-from-home setup is entirely different from the usual office setup. Some officer workers may find it hard to adjust to the unusual working environment at first. But there are also some perks that come with working from home.
First, you get to be close to your loved ones 24/7. Second, you can wear and do whatever you want because there won’t be any supervisor who constantly monitors what you’re doing. Third, you can save yourself from commuting thus saving you a lot of money and time. Fourth, you can customize your own workstation according to your own taste. And lastly, working from home allows you to spend more time with your pets.
When You’re Working From Home And Your Manager Wants A Word With You

While you’re working from home for the time being, your pets are probably taking this huge opportunity to steal your attention from your work. They would sit on your laptop, chew off your computer cords and invade your work area. Or they just simply sit next to you with their ‘Puss in Boots’ eyes as if begging you to play with them instead.
Having the company of pets while working from home isn’t actually a distraction. But rather, it gives a boost of inspiration and encouragement to perform better at work. And this perk is something we’re not allowed to have in the actual office environment. Since most of us are now in quarantine, people have been sharing photos of their daily scenarios. And our newest favorite are the ones showing their cute pets acting as supportive co-workers or stern supervisors. Check out our list of funny ‘co-worker’ pets pics to help make you feel better during these troubled times.
“My lab assistant keeps falling asleep on the job”

“One of the benefits of working from home”

“Do you have an appointment?”

“Tech Support: Woof can I do for you?”

“Dr Jones and I having a mini office meeting as we work together to convert lectures into video recordings.”

“My new coworker who occasionally snores during the conference calls. Something many would like to do”

“TFW your assistant doesn’t know their rightful place”

“My co-worker found the sun spot on the carpet”

“Reggie kept nudging my hand earlier….turns out he just wanted to hold my hand!”

“My team mate is imploring me to switch off the PC and take my daily exercise”

“It’s only been 3 days and I’m already having to share a desk with my new office mate.”

“Office assistants demanded 100 naps a day”

“I don’t remember my coworkers being this clingy…”

“This is what working from home looks like at my house.”

“Angus, grumpy senior cat, continues to ignore physical distancing requirements. His favourite resting spots are: the keyboard, the mouse, or in front of the monitor.”

“It’s business as usual for this doggo”

“I have some very eggciting news! I’ve been named da Employee of da Month”

“I left for ONE MINUTE during a commercial break. Now my agent calls and tells me he’s representing them instead. Nice.”

“Birds are busy supervising today”

“My new assistant seems to be settling in well!”

“There is no ‘working from home’ allowed.”

“The cat is trying to steal my job…”

“This working from home lark is a doddle!”

“The challenges of working from home”
