Apparently, the internet has been the ideal stomping ground for some oblivious people who try to inflict their moronic point of view or despicable opinions on other people. Thankfully, there are plenty of brave souls who are willing to shut their idiocy down, or should we rather say ‘murder’ them with savage comebacks.
Posts that are downright discriminatory and racist, rude remarks from self-entitled Karens, and people who love to spew their nonsense everywhere. If you’re spending a lot of time on the internet, you’re most likely to encounter these types of posts or arguments. And at some point, you might have wished to expose their stupidity and shame them online but just didn’t have the guts to do it. Well, you’re not the only one reading those posts. Sooner or later, someone’s got to give them the most brutal comebacks that will take their arguments down for good.
“Women Aren’t People, Apparently”

“Red Shirts Everywhere…”

If you enjoy seeing dimwitted people getting roasted or murdered by words, the subreddit r/MurderedByWords is the place to visit. There you can find plenty of instances when the ill-mannered get the most savage comebacks and sick burns they deserve. Using a snarky comment, these jerks intend to make their point and start an argument.
But only to be demolished by a clever counter-argument in the end. Admit it, you also feel somehow pleased when someone takes the words out of your mouth. And you somehow feel triumphant when you see these foolish people getting utterly defeated in an argument they started.
“Yes, The Answer Is Yes”

The subreddit r/MurderedByWords isn’t the only online community dedicated to brutal comebacks for those who are acting like the village idiots. However, this particular subreddit has imposed certain rules to help them moderate the large number of submissions. First, the post should feature a well-constructed put-down or counter-argument to a derogatory or offensive remark. The response should be based on fact and should be crushing enough to leave the other party without any ability to reply.
Get Wrecked…

“Who Doesn’t Love Irony?”

“Far Too Many People See The Answer To This As Being ‘Yes'”

“The Media Makes It To Be A Feel Good Story Over A Dystopian Nightmare”

Of course, expect to see arguments revolving around topics that are related to current issues. Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, still trying to convince us that the whole Covid-19 pandemic is a huge conspiracy theory, are getting a taste of their own medicine. Self-entitled Karens and racists being knocked down without mercy by clever comebacks. You’ll never get bored reading the hilarious posts. Anyone can join and submit a post but make sure to steer clear of topics concerning politics as it is strictly prohibited.
Let’s All Make A Pledge

“You’re An Asstrovert”

Classic Karen

“Don’t Be Confused”

“More C-19 Experts..”

“I Like The Second Guy’s Energy”

“Am I So Out Of Touch? No, It’s The Children Who Are Wrong”

“Yeah, That’ll Work”

“Columbus Day”

“Murdered By Wit”

“Bit Of A Stretch”

“How Dare We Give You The Correct Amount Of Changes”

“Seriously What Is Wrong With You”

“That’s Got To Hurt”

“Good Luck To The Women In Your Future”

“Entitled Karen Getting Stabbed By Words”

“Why Go Out Of Your Way To Be An As**ole?”

“Handle With Care”

“Research Before You Sprouts Anything On Social Media”

“Better Check Those Facts”

“This Doubles As A Til About The Spanish Anthem”

“Rip Sportsball Fan”

“Once Wasn’t Enough, He Came Back For More”

“God vs. Humanity”

“Trying To Gatekeep Conversations”

“I’ve Had A 32″ TV For Longer Than I’d Like To Admit”

“Oh, No! Anything But That!”

“The Ol’ Switcheroo”

“Who Ever Will Fight A Wolf?”

“Doctor Of Reading?”

“But How Will They Make Money If They Can’t Take Advantage Of People?!??”

“What Are Crab Cakes?”

“I Don’t Really Know If This Counts But..”

“Just So We’re Clear”

“I Once Knew A Peacock”

“It’s Almost As If”

“You Can’t Justify Her Actions No Matter What”

Source: Reddit