Have you ever stared at something and felt unsure whether you actually like it or not? From time to time, we encounter some mind-boggling objects that kept us asking ‘what the heck were they thinking?’ But after a while, we come to realize that they weren’t so bad after all. At the end of the day, it’s all about perfect execution. No matter how horrible they may seem at first, it’s their sense of humor that really matters in the end. We scoured the subreddit Awful Taste But Great Execution, and we believe title of the thread explains it all. Enjoy this compilation of the strangest ideas that people came up with yet seemed to work perfectly. You’ll either love these hilarious photos or hate them but you cannot deny they are a real head turner.
“Thought This Might Fit Here”


“Saw This Car Filling Up At A Gas Station In Illinois And Did A Double-Take. The Top Tires Spin Too!”

Staff Kitchen

This Handbag

“I Saw This Today”

“I Need People To Think I’m A Bond Villain”

“Was Next To A Car That Was “Painted” With Duct Tape!”

“Actually Very Well Made, But Still”

Dentist Waiting Room

Dog Lookalike Slippers

McDonalds’ Gloves

His And Hers Wedding Cake

“One Of The Coolest And Also Worst Things I’ve Ever Seen”

“Grasshopper-Shaped Locomotives Stacked On Top Of Each To Create A Diner In South Korea”

“Pimped Out Level: Amish”

“This Car Entirely Colored With Highlighters”

Beaded Hair Portrait

“These Campbell’s Tomato Soup Shoes I Received For Christmas Years Ago”

Conor McGregor’s “F*ck You” Suit

Silica Gel Bag

Brain Winter Hat

Get yourself a brain winter hat today.
Pigeon Heels

Read more about the pigeon shoes.
Titanic Blow Up Slide

This Sweater


Lenny And Carl Yin Yang Tattoo

Cockroach Cappuccino

Hot Rod Casket

Steampunk Wheels

“When You Like Your Trunk So Much You Get A Second One”

“Can You Dig It?”

“Wallet Chain Ankle Crocs – Thank You Small Town Malls”

“My Entry For The Ugly Sweater Contest At Work: The Human Santapede”

Can You Hear The Sea?

“No, It’s Not Too Much Chrome”

“My Eyes”

“This Nice Bed sheet”