Talented shoemaker Kyoto Ohata is a Japanese woman who has gained some attention for her interesting and unique, handmade creation… pigeon shoes!
Of course, since these shoes won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but they certainly have some admirers! Take a look below to see what the shoes look like and furthermore. how they were assembled!
First of all, many people find joy in feeding pigeons. Seeing them all flock together and getting a good meal can be rewarding, as long as you aren’t pooped on, that is!
Having said that, you could certainly mistake those shoes for real pigeons!

They more of less blend right in. We wonder if the other pigeons are perhaps confused?

The colors and detailing are spot on!

We can see why these shoes have amassed so much attention. The results are certainly unique!

If the pigeons seem calmer around this kind of footwear, then pigeon feeders may want to get their hands on a pair of these shoes.

Most of all we just want to know if they are fooled. We need a video of the real pigeon’s reactions to the shoes!

Some people might feel that it is a little wrong to pretend to be wearing an animal on your feet but it’s important to remember no harm comes to the animals in the making of the shoes. Personally, if they don’t bother or upset the pigeons in any way, we say rock whatever shoes you please!
Creating the Pigeon Shoes
If you’re a fan of Kyoto Ohata’s pigeon shoes, take a look below to see the step by step process of them being assembled. If you’re a dab hand at crafting, this could be your next project!
First of all, cut out two identical forms that will make up the bodies of the pigeons. Next, tightly insert blank felts so that the surface is completely covered.

Insert green and purple felt around the neck and breast to resemble the most common pigeon colors.

Using a pair of shoes of your choosing. Glue your body piece to the back part of the shoe like it is shown in the image below.

Uinge a single piece of dense felt you’ll want to then cut it into the shape of a wing.

Also cut out numerous circle pieces of black and grey felt. These will build up to be the feathers!

Use PVA glue and apply the wings to your shoes. Create 8 little felt balls which will be used 4 for eyes and 4 for nostrils. Next, make narrow strips like in the image below that will be the tails of the birds and attach.

Twist some wire into the shapes of pigeon feet.

Finally, use the wire as your base and cover it in red felt!

There you have it! If you’re skilled with felt then this project should be a walk in the park…

…though, resulting in a perfect pair like Kyoto Ohata might take some time!

Source: Twitter/afishadaily