Can you remember how you got your first pet? Did you ask for it or did your parents just surprise you with a furry friend one day? Well, no matter how your first four-legged friend came into your life, we can all agree that the event is definitely a treasured moment in our personal history. And now, the age-old practice of persuading parents to approve pet ownership has leveled up. Case in point: a little girl from Toronto, Canada made a PowerPoint presentation to make sure parents understood that she meant business. And her father was so amused with her presentation that he decided to share it to the world via Twitter!
Christopher Doyle tweeted the presentation on August 25th, 2020. Apparently, the presentation was his daughter’s way of establishing just how serious she was about wanting a furry addition to their family. She’d apparently been asking for quite some time. However, despite her best efforts, her attempts to convince her parents have met little success. But it seems that she may have a fighting chance this time, because Christopher didn’t consider the possibility of the internet majority taking her side! His tweet became viral, after being retweeted 4, 900 times, getting 21, 100 likes and earning 1,300 comments!
Our daughter made a PowerPoint. ? ?
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 25, 2020
Toronto-based Christopher Doyle’s daughter made a PowerPoint presentation because she really really wants to get a pet
His daughter’s PowerPoint presentation consisted of several slides all meant to drive her point home. On one of her slides entitled ‘Pros of getting a cat’, she wrote that she, along with all her other siblings (whose opinions are apparently less important), “would love to have a cat”. She also argued that “having pets can lower stress and make you happier”. Plus, “since it’s a cat, you don’t have to take it outside everyday for walks”, the clever presenter wrote. This last argument would surely win over any busy parent, but her parents aren’t easy to win over. So she made sure to assure them that she “would be in charge of cleaning up after the cat and the litter box and stuff”!

Apparently, she’s been asking for a pet for over 5 years already, as mentioned in her PowerPoint presentation
How long did it take for you to convince your parents that you’re ready for the responsibility of having a pet? A couple days, a week, a month, a year? Well, in Christopher’s daughter’s case, she’s apparently been asking for a pet for 5 years now! Apparently, she’d been promised a hamster before, but it never happened. And we know how broken promises have a way of ingraining itself in a child’s mind… It might seem a bit cruel, but Christopher explained that the hesitation isn’t due to a dislike of animals… it’s just that his wife is allergic to cats. So even though they’d really love to make their little girl happy, they just can’t disregard the health risk.

Thankfully, the people of Twitter have offered up some helpful suggestions and advice that may solve the family’s issue. A lot of the respondents suggested that they get a hypo-allergenic cat, like a Devon Rex. Christopher’s daughter has expressed her interest in adopting a black cat. According to him, she decided to go for black-furred cats since she learned that they receive the least love because of the superstition attached to their appearance. What Christopher’s daughter told him is true and can be backed by many professionals like Kentucky Humane Society Communications Director Andrea Blair.

After sharing her PowerPoint presentation with her parents, Christopher’s daughter announced that she would like to adopt a black cat
The issue of discrimination against black cats goes back a long, long time. It all started after they were associated with witches and branded to be harbingers of misfortune. Since then, black cats have faced extreme prejudice and in some extreme cases, maltreatment. But it seems that the sentiment towards black cats is shifting. According to Andrea Blair, more and more people are beginning to express their concern towards these often neglected cats. Many have reached out to Kentucky Humane Society to not let anyone adopt black cats as Halloween draws near. This is because of their concern that the black cats were only being adopted since they fit the Halloween aesthetic and would later be abandoned or neglected. In a statement, Blair said:
“They have the very best intentions, but the unintended consequences are the perpetuation of the myth – which leads to black cats spending even more time in shelters.”

“Because of their common color [black cats] are the [ones] most likely to be overlooked in favor of cats with more varied color patterns. Black cats often take two or three times longer to be adopted.”

To his surprise, Twitter users offered solutions to their family’s pet problem
Plus, cats are great for teaching diversity. Black cats are always the last to be adopted because they’re considered unlucky. When she goes back to school, she can help teach her classmates about how that’s not true and that they are easy to photograph! Observe:
— Jennifer Layn (@psychoinsomniat) August 25, 2020
We decided to get a kitten when the pandemic hit. I think pets are the new vacation. Ours is hypoallergenic and doesn’t shed. Yes, there are such cats out there! Please get her one! This is our kitten Kimchee when we got him and what he looks like now.
— Salma Rehman-Kotschorek??? (@Salma_RK3) August 26, 2020
May i recommend a Devon Rex? Hypoallergenic, does not shed hair, very gentle and social.
— bex (@abexell) August 26, 2020
His daughter’s presentation sure got plenty of support
Dude, get her the cat.
— Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) August 26, 2020
Amazing ?
How many retweets would it take for her to get the cat? Cuz I think we can make it happen. ?
— Muhammad Lila (@MuhammadLila) August 25, 2020
We agree she needs a cat! And if getting a kitten, two. They will help socialize, train and entertain each other. Plus, kitty piles!!
— ?? ?? Michelle Hansen ?? ?? (@mehansen82) August 25, 2020
Although it’s a very solid proposal presentation, I would encourage your daughter to incorporate a brand logo screen near the beginning.
Even if Nike or Apple aren’t actually on board with her pitch, immediate brand recognition by the audience would likely seal the cat deal.
— Barney Panofsky’s Best Intentions (@mynamesnotgordy) August 26, 2020
Oh heavens! I just told Micky about her plight and he says, “do it! We all want loving homes like mine. Even though I don’t roam the neighbourhood for my own safety, I even get my own lawn chair for fire night when I’m outside with mum!”
— Christine ? (@RedChristine) August 26, 2020
Cat can be a lifesaver, especially after spending almost 20years together. I know her, she knows me, she meets my husband and saw my newborn son. Let’s meet “Mémère”/Granny. She’s my soulmate, my old fellow, my sister, my everything.
— n0si (@n0sichan) August 27, 2020
As new cat dad, who agreed begrudgingly, I too side with your daughter. They are cute, loving, and low maintenance.
— Jose Colchao (@JoseColchao) August 25, 2020
Hey she’s not asking for a GD pony. It’s only a freaking cat. CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT …
— Jackie ?? (@Quiggsie) August 26, 2020
Sorry, gotta side with her on this one. Cats are great!
— Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) August 25, 2020
Riot Fest even got involved
If @chrisdoyle doesn’t get his daughter a kitten he is banned from Riot Fest forever.
— Riot Fest (@RiotFest) August 26, 2020
Others were amused by the PowerPoint presentation
— Laura King (@LK) August 25, 2020
This is the best part:
— Melissa Barnes (@melissabarnes) August 26, 2020
Christopher’s daughter used his post’s fame as leverage
She is enjoying this a bit too much
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 25, 2020
The Tweet was so popular that all Christopher could do was make light of it
I think the cats ? planned this because, this tweet is going strong and it’s apparently #NationalDogDay
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 26, 2020
Thanks to the internet’s overwhelming support, the Doyles finally sent in a Cat Adoption Application
We are working on this today!?
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 28, 2020
Thank you to everyone (especially, "Cat Twitter"), for the incredible & completely unexpected response to this tweet. Our family read through most all the replies (and the many adorable cat pics), and had a lot of laughs. Hope the diversion brought a bit of joy to your timeline.
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 28, 2020
The Doyles appear to be in the process of searching for their family’s newest furry member
We visited our local Humane Society today. Due to covid, they are appointment only for rescues, so we are booking one for next week! After that, we did some in-person research at the local pet store (wearing masks, of course!) This little guy has already been adopted.
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 29, 2020
And apparently the success of their sister’s presentation is giving Christopher’s other children ideas
Youngest child: “This is great, I’m going to make a PowerPoint on why I want a turtle!”
— Christopher Doyle (@chrisdoyle) August 29, 2020
Perhaps one of the reasons why Christopher’s Tweet about his daughter’s PowerPoint presentation became so viral is that people can relate to the struggle of getting their first furry friend. It was, after all, more often than not, an uphill battle. But it seems that Christopher has finally come around, after just three days! We’re not saying that it was probably the peer pressure that did it. But if you had a thousand people clamoring for you to grant your daughter’s long-standing wish, wouldn’t you be inclined too?
We sure hope the Doyles manage to adopt a black kitty

Source: Twitter