Dogs are affectionate and loyal to their owners but they can really flip their switch towards unwanted intruders. In order to warn outsiders, most dog owners are posting ‘Beware of the Dog’ signs on their gates. These signs are often used as a deterrent to scare off potential trespassers. And this warning should be taken seriously because there have been several cases of guard dogs attacking and fatally injuring burglars and intruders.
However, some dog owners are giving this serious warning sign a jovial meaning. These hilarious people really do own a dog. But their dogs are actually not as terrifying as most guard dogs. In fact, these dogs are so adorable that they’ll attack you with their irresistible cuteness, not with their fangs. So, when the owners say ‘Beware of the Dog’, they are actually alerting you of a possible cuteness overload.

We hope you can handle all the cuteness lurking behind these ‘Beware of the Dog’ signs. Prepare to appease the dog lover in you with these hilarious photos. Even our equally adorable feline friends are also here to join in the fun. Should you believe the sign and stay away from these cuties? Or should you give in to their adorableness and cuddle them? Don’t say we didn’t warn you.