Foxes are often depicted as sly and cunning tricksters. But are they really? These fox pictures will show that they are far from these stereotypes. And it’s about time we give these lovely creatures the attention and appreciation they deserve. Yes, foxes are not as companionable as dogs, we’ll give you that. But that doesn’t make them less wonderful than their popular canine relatives. In their own ways, foxes can also charm their way into our hearts.
Just like dogs, foxes are intelligent creatures. In fact, they are so intelligent that their reasoning ability enables them to find and learn their ways around hunter traps. More often than not, these wild animals are able to outwit hunters which later earned them the common perception of being ‘cunning’. And since foxes are adept hunters, they often find a way to break into poultry farms despite numerous traps scattered around. Being smart is just one of their amazing attributes. They also have other fascinating characteristics that make them as equally adorable as domestic dogs.
People Are Sharing Cute Fox Pictures To Show How Wonderful These Creatures Are

Foxes are playful and curious creatures. They play among themselves or with other foxes. Although they are not sociable creatures, they don’t usually show hostility towards people. In general, they are not especially dangerous to humans but they tend to become aggressive when they are cornered or threatened. So, if you happen to see a fox chilling on your porch or playing in your backyard, just let them be. You can only admire them from a distance. Or better yet snap some photos to share online just like these people did.
“I Think Someone Has A Crush On My Christmas Light Decoration”

“Baby Foxes Found In An NJ Backyard”

“We’ve Been Getting Almost Daily Visits From This Wild Fox Over The Course Of The Past Couple Of Months. My Wife Shot This Photo Of The Two Of Us In Today’s Sunset”

Foxes are gorgeous animals and the idea of having them as pets is compelling. But then again, these wild animals are not wired to live with humans. Unlike dogs, foxes are extremely difficult to tame and they may attack you if you try to capture them. There are cases though, where foxes born in captivity grew up to be domesticated. Such is the case for Juniper the Fox who has been living happily with its proud owner. The truth is, you too can own a pet fox, provided that you acquire them from government-approved facilities.
“Baby Fox Showed Up To Say Hi At My Grandmother’s House”

“This Fox Came Up To My Brother And I While I Was Walking My Dog. Wasn’t Hostile At All”

The Adorable Canadian Marble Fox

Domesticated foxes are friendly and playful. They can also get along well with other household pets. But let us remind you again that those that are born in the wild can’t be possibly tamed. So, don’t even try to approach one even if you find them comfortably walking around your backyard. They are irresistibly cute and all, but these wild creatures best belong to their natural habitat which is the wild. These beautiful foxes can come near you, if you’re lucky. This is why it’s good to keep your camera phone ready so you can take fox pictures that are charming as these.
“Ssh, Don’t Want To Wake Him Up”

“Planted Fox-Tails On The Patio This Year; They’re Doing Well”

“My Friend Passed Out At A Leyton Bus Stop And Woke Up To This”

“Say Hello To My Daily Visitor For The Last Two Years”

“Security Light Went Off At 1 Am. This Little Guy Found My Dog’s Ball”

“Found This Fox Chilling In The Backyard”

“Foxes Sleeping On Friend’s Upstairs Deck. Last Year There Was Only One”

Adorable Fox Pictures

“Pudding The Fox Knows How To Pose For A Photograph”
“A Cub Snuck Into Our Chicken Pen And Fell Asleep, Without Harming Any Of Our Chickens”

“Went Kayaking Down A River And This Little Guy Joined Us When We Stopped For Lunch! Who Knew Foxes Were So Friendly”

“Caught This Fox Napping In My Garden”

“I’ve Got A Family Of Foxes Living In The Bush At The End Of Our Garden. The Mum Is Particularly Sneaky”

“Woke Up Early To Find These Feisty Little Fox Cubs Scrabbling At The Back Door! Think They Must Be Confused By Seeing Their Reflection In The Glass”
“This Arctic Fox That Smiled At Me, At The Quebec City Aquarium”

Taking A Nap In A Flowerpot

“Malachi Fox Being A Goof”
“One Of The Fox Pups That Lives In Our Backyard. We Call Him Jasper”

“Rare ‘Silver Fox’ At My House Today”

“Foxes Of Zao Fox Village (Japan) Are Very Friendly”

“Christmas Came Early At The Zoo My Girlfriend Works At, And One Fox Couldn’t Be Happier”

“3,5 Week Old Red Fox That Came In For Rehab. He’ll Be Raised With Others And Released In The Fall”

“Visited Miyagi Zao Fox Village In Japan”

“If It Fits I Sits”

“Babysitting A Baby Grey Fox. Named Oscar. What More Do You People Want”

“Baby Fox With A Broken Leg Gets Rescued And Visits The Vet For His Cast”

“Jethro, My Fox Friend. He Said Hello Every Morning While We Rented A Cabin In The Mountains”

“A Baby Fox Was Brought To Our Local Vet. Looks Almost Like CGI On This Pic”