Technology has indeed made it easier for us to do things. But when you have children, many things really need to be done manually. Though it can be fun, exciting and rewarding, it’s also exhausting being a parent. However, there are more and more helpful baby related gadgets and inventions becoming available to assist moms and dads. Here we have selection of examples. Take a look!

Normally, when a child cries we go through a checklist of possible causes. However, with the Infant Cries Translator app, it can give you four possible causes as to why your newborn baby is crying. This translator has the ability to give an accurate answer of 92% which includes hunger, pain, tiredness, or because the baby needs their diaper changed.
Sticky Thermometer

You may have heard of a mosquito repellent sticker, but the thermometer sticker is quite different and more advanced. Accordingly, the sticker allows you to check your child’s temperature when they’re sick without having to disturb them. With a smartphone app that also saves all the readings, the parent will automatically be warned if the child’s temperature increases.
The Smart Toothbrush

Battery operated toothbrushes are already common. However, the smart toothbrush which works when being connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth offers to accurately visualize every movement made with it in 3D. What makes it even more exciting is that since it is connected to an app, every time the child makes the proper movement of tooth brushing, it also serves as a fun game by earning points and prizes.
Here Comes The Plane

This clever feeding set could just be the answer to convince your little one to eat even the types of food that children would usually refuse.
Bottle and Spoon in One

A combined feeding bottle and spoon could just come in handy when you’re either traveling or out for a walk.
Clothes for Monitoring your Baby

This special type of clothing allegedly has a built-in monitoring device connected to a smartphone app that has the ability to check a child’s breathing and activity. In turn, it also eases the need for the parent to check the situation of their child especially at night.
The Baby Rocker

By being able to imitate the movements of your arms, this device is said to give you the convenience of doing your own business as it rocks your baby’s stroller for you. Simply attach the device to the handle of the stroller and let it do its purpose.
Visuals and Sound Maker

Now, this might just be the answer to your problem in making your child sleep. With the visuals and sound projector, cute images and soothing lullaby songs can be seen and heard.
What do you think about these awesome inventions? We’d like to hear from you in the comments section!