What if Sour Patch Kids just fulfilled your little cute childish request for your favorite candies? The sour snack you always got used to now presents itself in either the Just Red or Just Blue bag. Now, you’ll get to enjoy the fullness of your favorite flavor in these awesome solo-flavored candy bags!
Well, like most favors, it’s limited edition. So, as long as you can, you better try either the pure blue raspberry or just all the cherry candies. Since they were back on June 24, Sour Patch Kids began to tease all these one-color bags, saying that finally, they’ll become a huge reality!
Apparently, everyone knows that red and blue are our favorites among the candy flavors. People just keep picking these colors when snacking!

On June 26, Sour Patch Kids made the delightful announcement:
“Ask, and you shall receive. Blue & Red packs available for a limited time at 7-Eleven!”
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Finally, this time, you don’t have to dig through the whole bag just to get to your favorite candy color! While this really sounds exciting, we don’t know yet how long the company is keeping the Just Red and Just Blue bags around. So, if you have the time, be sure to visit 7-Eleven and check out if your favorite candies are still up for grabs!