It’s amazing how far through life we can get doing something very simple, the wrong way. And by ‘wrong’ what we mean is, in fact there exists an easier, more convenient, simpler way to do whatever it is. Yet, we aren’t geared to automatically think of it. Most times, we are merely guilty of following and copying others, when the vast majority of these others are doing these random small things wrong, over and over again, as well. The right ways are simply not publicized enough! Until now, that is.
Get ready to be amazed at just how wrong you have been getting small and inconsequential things, your entire life!
Break ‘Toblerone’ chocolate bars up into manageable pieces with ease. Simply place your thumb at the top of one of the pieces and press towards the bar. It will just snap off!

This is how you store that bag of leftover potato chips!

Make the most out of ‘Dairy Queen To-Go’ lids by flipping them and placing your sundae inside to make a cup holder that protects your hands from freezing and saves your sundae from melting into a gooey mess!

Save your counter getting messy and place your spoons like this!

Want to save space in your kitchen drawers? Then fold up your plastic bags like so!

This is how you can make the most of those tiny ketchup containers!

Do you find bandaids on your finger or thumb often slide off? Well, the trick is to cut a triangle out of a square band aid, on either side, so the overall shape is like an hour glass. It will fit so much better!

Those indulgent cupcakes with the mega toppings? You have to try them this way, break off part of the cupcake’s stump and put it on top to make a delicious cupcake sandwich.

Own a keychain bottle opener? Did you know you can use the little slot on it to easily open cans, saving your nails?

Soda cans are also straw holders, when you twist the tab!

‘Oreos’ are made better for dipping when you use a fork!

Remove the green bits from strawberries with ease, using a straw!

Are you wearing your earphones correctly?

Yes, there is a way to shake out all those un-popped kernels from your popcorn bag! Once the bag is cool enough, simply make a small opening in the bottom of the bag. Then hold over a garbage can and shake gently. Magic!