Expecting mothers and their families make lots of adjustments when a baby is on the way. Also, during this period, a lot of mundane things suddenly become hard to do, like driving. Fortunately, this specially designed pregnancy car seat belt now exists to make driving easier for expecting mothers out there! Before the ZUWIT Bump Belt’s introduction, the only way to protect one’s bun in the oven was by wearing your seat belt as low across your hips and thighs as possible. But if you were to get into an accident, the possibility of the belt pushing and squishing your little one is pretty high. And absolutely no one wants that!
With the ZUWIT Bump Belt, mothers-to-be can enjoy freedom, comfort and be assured of their safety during their drive. This Bump Belt takes the pressure off your belly and redirects it to your thighs ensuring that your bundle of joy meets no harm in the event that something (God forbid!) happens on the road. You won’t be wincing every time you see brake lights ahead of you or the dreaded “bump ahead” sign.

This pregnancy car seat belt makes driving safer and more comfortable for expecting moms
Installing the ZUWIT Bump Belt is pretty simple. You just need to wrap the strap securely on your seat’s cushion to the provided contraption then fasten the seat belt as usual, and you’re all set! However, you might want to secure several Bump Belts just in case! Getting more than one is a pretty practical choice, especially if you have 2 cars, and you constantly alter between the front and back seat. No matter how big you get, the durable seat belt will be there to protect you.

It’s multi-purpose
While this belt is designed for use by women 3 months or more into their pregnancy, you can still use it when the big day finally comes. If the mom undergoes a C-Section, the Bump Belt will surely continue to come in handy. This specially-designed-for-pregnancy seat belt also benefits others who’ve recently had abdominal surgery or an ostomy. Get it here.

Have a closer look at the wonder belt

“ZUWIT pregnancy belt adjuster prevents the belt from riding up over your baby bump to help protect mothers-to-be and their unborn baby during car travel. Other like products just put the belt lower but still over the belly.”

Get yours here.