One of the great things about the internet is that it’s easier than ever to get your idea out to people in the hopes of raising funds. Dreams can turn into a reality in a much quicker manner these days, even if the concept seems crazy! To prove this, here we have some interesting ideas that surprisingly made a ton of money. If you’re currently trying to make your own idea become a success, these images may fill you with hope. However, some of the people on this list definitely had luck on their side. Take a look!
This automatic toothbrush is called ‘Amabrush’. It cleans your teeth in just 10 seconds. The device cleans your whole mouth all at once! The project gathered investments of €3,200,000 in less than a month.

‘Bunch O Balloons’ allows you to fill and tie hundreds of water balloons quickly and easily. It is one of Kickstarter’s most successful projects managing to raise $929,160! The product is now available worldwide.

What better card to give to someone you love (or hate) than one that plays music for over 3 hours? This card won’t silence unless it’s completely destroyed. The creator wanted to raise $7,500 but ended up raking in $92,000.

Here we present ‘The World’s Most Super Amazing 100% Awesome Cat Calender’. Created by Kate Funk and Brennan Groh in 2014, they recieved over $25,000 in donations when all they wanted was $3,500.

Designer Thorunn Arnadottir created an awesome cat shaped candle that reveals a creepy metallic skeleton as it burns. Thorunn Raised over $100,000 to produce the candles.

This faux fur, bear headed coat with claw mittens raised almost $30,000 on Kickstarter. It’s called the ‘Griz Coat’. What do you think? Love it or hate it?

Ever wanted to be able to lick your cat? Well, with the ‘LICKI Brush’, your dreams can become a reality. The cat tongue themed creation interested many people, raking in $52,000 on Kickstarter.

Garrett Heath had a dream to create a Pi shaped pan. He had faith that nerds everywhere would love the idea. He was right as Garrett managed to raise $17,500 to create his beloved dishes.

You might recall the time when Zack Brown tried to raise money for… potato salad. His goal was to demonstrate that anyone can raise money for a crazy and useless idea. He was right as almost 7000 people pledged more than $55,000.

The ‘IllumiBowl 2.0’ is essentially a toilet night light. A motion activated device would cause the light to turn on. It works with any toilet. The creation costs just $10, but the concept raised $226,00!