Chickens deserve all the love and care in the world. So, if you really love your chickens then you must build them the most “eggceptional” chicken coop design. By now, your adorable fowls probably have their own full-on playground. Now, why don’t you spoil them even more by letting them live in a sophisticated and comfy abode? You know what they say, beautiful creatures deserve a beautiful home. And that’s exactly what these gorgeous domesticated fowls need.
If you’re looking for unique ideas for your coop then you came to the right place. Since chickens are becoming more popular as pets, many owners have been coming up with their own ideas and designs to give their fowls the most beautiful homes. Backyard coops are now popping up everywhere and it’s about time you give your feathered pets the same comfort and luxury.
Creative Designs For Chicken Coops

So, we’ve scoured the internet to give you the most creative designs that owners came up with for their coops. These fresh ideas might give you hints if you don’t know where to start. From Cluckingham Palace and Hotel Eggcelsior to Jurassic Bawk and Cirque Du Poulet, these clever owners also made the most fitting names for each extraordinary poultry house.

Although there are pre-made coops available on the market, some owners prefer to build it themselves so they can customize it according to their fowls’ needs. The housing for your flocks can be as simple or fancy depending on your imagination and budget.
So, for the size, you should have a minimum of 3 square feet for the interior per chicken and around 10 square feet per chicken of space outside. Use weather-resistant materials and build it on high ground to avoid water and mud problems. And make sure to include a safe place to keep the egg layers.

Some owners choose to make their coops simple without any complicated features. And you can also go for the basic style by starting with a small shed built with recycled wood. But if you’re anything like this creative owners, you can’t just settle on the plain-looking ones, right?
Well, as long as your hens are safe and cozy inside their homes, adding some aesthetic elements will surely make you and your fowls happier. Not to mention, an eggstraordinary backyard coop will certainly make your neighbors and their feathered friends jealous.