There are situations in life that will certainly test your patience. While we’re at it, why not give these annoying pictures a chance to challenge your cool. Our brain tends to only acknowledge the acceptable. This explains why there are certain things that our minds cannot accept even if they’re screaming right in our faces. But when reality bites, we have no choice but to endure the reality and accept the unacceptable. It’s the infuriating truth but we have to deal with it. Now cool down and take a look at these annoying pics that can drive you mad if you fail to control your temper.
Is this some kind of a trendy two-toned staircase?

When your father’s middle name is one letter away from being accepted.

If you find this note underneath the bed sheet, it’s time to consider moving to another hotel.

When you’re stuck in the moment because you have no idea where to start.

Let the pairing game begin! It’s a tough game, right? Imagine doing this on a regular basis. Ask your Mom how frustrating it is.

Something seems out of place here. Is it those nail polish? I don’t know but I feel there’s something more that shouldn’t be here.

What’s the use of peeling off a fruit then putting them in a plastic container? Is it to keep them fresh? How about leaving their natural rinds to cover them instead?

It’s either that car is a tree-magnet or a bad-luck-magnet.

The amount of plastic used in the making of this product is insane. The environment is going to loathe this thing.

No one wants to be in this tight situation. Unless you can figure out how to get pass through those things before you.

Let me get this straight. The number 10 in English language means different when translated to Spanish. I know it sounds crazy but this is what this instruction is telling me.

When you’re too close to capturing an epic moment of reaching the 88888 miles but you messed up in some ways and missed the chance. Look at the bright side, there’s still that 99999 to aim for.

These playing cards are a pain in the eye. Why did they make it so hard to distinguish the usual symbols?

It’s impossible to please everybody, you just can’t. Even if they admit they like what you did, they still won’t give you that coveted 5-stars for some silly reasons.
This doesn’t make sense. Why do you go up against Taco Tuesday?

People are undoubtedly annoying. Sometimes, products are annoying. The weather is often annoying. Our point is, many things in life are, you guessed it, annoying. However, when it’s not happening to us firsthand, witnessing some of these things can be super amusing. Here we have a list of annoying situations. Take a look!
Some magical force always puts a spoon right below the faucet. Water conveniently splashes all over!

Someone should teach your kids how to open cereal boxes.

When you’re so mad right now and you’ve got homework to finish…but, not really. That’s just how he normally holds his pencil. It doesn’t even look normal!

The technician is trying to mess with the arrangement of stickers.

They forgot to print out the entire video…

Can someone please get this car a proper parking space?

A literal screenshot.

Even mannequins get tired of standing up the whole day.

His brother didn’t know what cassette tapes are, and he thought this is was an iPhone docking station.

Someone forgot to tell them that it was a bad idea to park on ice.

I’ve never seen a sign so badly made.

When you have to type out links because people give them to you like this…


When trucks start taking over the road.

They had one simple job and can’t even do it right.

Who carries pizza like that?!

She clearly didn’t think about other people who wanted to sit down as well.

A toolbox that requires a screwdriver to open… how can you when the screwdriver is locked inside?

Someone didn’t want this one 80-lb bag of concrete mix and just decided to throw it away…

I’m not sure if I should feel angry at the person or if I should feel sad that he’s clueless…

Every morning, his mother takes one bite of a new banana and leaves it on the table in case someone else would want to finish it.

Grandma didn’t know why the time on her phone was stuck on the same time.

As individuals, we all have our own unique dislikes. Some people will find the strangest of things bother them. However, there are also plenty of things that us humans seem to universally hate. You don’t have to be a perfectionist to find these annoying things infuriating, however, your experience will be far worse if you are one! Take a look below to see our collection of annoying things that occur in our everyday lives, however, be warned that they are sure to get you riled up!
All three of these switches are off, however, they don’t match! Ugh!

Don’t you just love it when you rely on technology and it fails you miserably?

The parents of this adorable boy booked a window seat for his first flight, however, a window he did not get!

Imagine the disappointment you would experience opening this box…

Every perfectionist’s worst nightmare…

When your cutlery bathes in your food…

This glass doesn’t sit centrally on its stem. Imagine figuring this out after a few too many drinks!

When your favorite pair of jeans splits…

The random positioning of these light switches!

When things don’t pair up how they should…

The chaotic layout of this desktop makes us feel so uncomfortable, however, we wouldn’t want to be responsible for tidying it up!

When your shopping purchases don’t arrive as expected…

This horrible quirk went unnoticed for 5 years!

When your package goes on a crazy route…

If you’ve been having a bad day, at least you can look at the things on this list and take solace from the fact that things could have been worse! It’s undoubtedly frustrating when the things in these photos occur in our daily lives, however, without annoying things, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate all of the other times when things go smoothly and correctly. That’s the way we try to look at it anyway! Keep going to see even more examples of annoying things!
Why do these things never seem to do their jobs properly?

If this happens to you, use a blow dryer and blast the area with hot air!

When your pencils decide that they hate you…

People who selfishly block the window seats! Also, people who block seats with their bags!

Something is horrendously wrong with these renovated windows, however, we’re curious to find out the back story!

The fact Facebook wants you to use a secondary app to view your messages…

Do you think this shirt was purposefully designed to bother people?

This guy’s headphone situation has got us feeling stressed!

The amount of unnecessary packaging for one tablet is infuriating…

How can anyone look at this and not change it?

You may as well do your business with the door open!

Who would’ve thought there would be an art to tearing toilet paper?

When the volume controls obscure your view…

Somehow your order is always last.