We all know that the pandemic has forced the bustling world to a screeching halt. Nearly every establishment like parks and aquariums have closed their doors. People are working from home, to the joy of their loving pets. But the pandemic affects shelter animals differently. Shelter staff and volunteers must adhere to the quarantine mandate issued by the government. This situation has put rescues in a desperate position, because their primary caregivers can’t come in to provide for them. If you still need convincing as to why it’s better to adopt than shop, we’ve put together a new batch of rescue pet photos for you to browse. These photos show how being adopted and cared for changes their lives for the better.
Abandoned or abused animals become residents of animal shelters. It’s basically their safe haven, until the right person comes along to take them home. In the US alone, over 6.5 million companion animals have found themselves living in shelters. However, the ASPCA has announced that the figures have been declining since 2011, when it hit an all-time high of 7.2 million.
Besides, seeing rescue pet photos is heartwarming in its own way! Who doesn’t love seeing a dog or cat glow up after they start getting the love and care they deserve? We absolutely do! So, we’ve created yet another compilation of these inspiring and gorgeous transformations for you to witness below.
“Shelter Dog CANNOT Contain Her Excitement About Getting Adopted”

People are sharing rescue pet photos that show how a little tender loving care can transform animals
“By adopting an animal in need – no matter the species, breed, or size – you may be saving that animal’s life as well as freeing up valuable shelter space and resources for other animals in need,” ASPCA Adoption Center manager, Kelly DiCiccio said.
Animals, no matter where you get them from, are precious. Rescues, even more so! Usually these adorable angels have gone through a lot, so you’ll need to put in more effort in order to earn their trust and coax them out of their shells. Rescue pets, when loved right, can be the most loving, most loyal companion you can ever have.
“Two years after adoption and still getting floofier by the day.”

“This good boi showed up one year ago tonight. He rescued us as much as he was rescued.”

“Harvey’s skinny body was found abandoned in a ditch, soaking wet, and dotted with cigarette burns. He was infested with fleas, anemic, and starving. One look at his little face and I knew I had to adopt him. Fast forward 5 years, he’s now a confident, happy, healthy boi with a career in modelling.”

Adopting a rescued animal is not an easy process, but it’s extremely rewarding
“A huge benefit of adopting animals from a shelter space and resources for other animals is that shelter staff know the animals will and can provide detailed in formation about an animal’s history, medical needs, behavior and temperament. They also consider a potential adopter’s lifestyle, home environment, and the animal’s potential compatibility with the children and other animals in the home in order to make matches that are a good fit.”
Adopting from an animal shelter can take some time. But it’s all for good reason. The staff of every shelter just wants to make sure that their rescues are going to the right person. Moreover, they also encourage that one should keep an open mind and heart when visiting a shelter. Because you’ll never know who and what you’ll see and meet there, and you just might surprise yourself!
“Chewy, the recently adopted unit from Nebraska Humane Society.”

“Signing over the adoption papers today for my new baby, Moo. Any and all advice are welcome!!”

“We have adopted Bud.”

“Just adopted this sweet girl. Best decision I’ve made in a while.”

“Reddit, meet Finn! He’s making social distancing a little easier.”

These rescue pet photos are nothing short of adorable
“I didn’t know cats could have such a wide range of emotion until I adopted Leonardi DiCatprio.”

“I think I adopted a vampire.”

“Sonny is a rescue from a bad owner. He has a lot of health problems but he’s very proud of his remaining tooth!”

“My mom adopted an outdoor cat after it gave birth to some kittens and wanted to give it some shelter.”

“I adopted this handsome boy a week ago… Look at that beautifully executed front curl!”

“Just adopted Cotton! Her favourite hobbies are cosplaying as plants and taking naps in random places.”

“I adopted 2 kittens last week. After many days of not seeing them, I woke up to this today.”

“My gf wanted to adopt a kitten, I said not now. As a compromise here’s the kitten.”

“My friends recently adopted pup.”

“Our newly adopted Incorgnito (we think Corgi/Cavalier King Charles). Meet Riley!”

“Last week was the perfect time to adopt a kitten. She sends you teeny kisses.”

The pandemic is affecting animal shelters too
“Because this is an unprecedented and ever-changing situation, each shelter is facing unique challenges specific to its communities. Many shelters are facing reduced staff and volunteer support, which is putting animals in desperate need of temporary or permanent sheltering outside the four walls of typical adoption centers and shelters,” DiCiccio said.
The pandemic has compromised many animal shelters. Even the Animal Humane Society had to make the tough choice to temporarily close all four of their shelters. The shelters will remain closed until May 2nd. They’ve also decided to provide limited services, such as accepting surrendered/stray animals, veterinary services and continuing humane investigations. With this regard, the Animal Humane Society’s spokesperson, Sarah Bhimani, said,
“As our shelters were scheduled to close, we saw an outpouring of support from our community and experienced some record days of adoptions. The majority of remaining animals are being cared for by foster volunteers until the shelters reopen, and a small group of staff are caring that must stay at the shelter for medical or behavioral reasons.”
When you visit your local animal shelter, keep your mind and heart open, because you might meet someone unique
“My rescue boy Strawberry flashing his beautiful (don’t tell him otherwise) camera ready smile.”

“Just adopted my first rats last week. It’s so great seeing them come out of their shells.”

“The NYPD rescued this large bunny!”

… or you might find yourself having a disabled friend
“Wife wanted a cat. I said no, so we compromised and got a one eyed cat.”

“Just adopted this handsome boy yesterday.”

… or someone who’s in their golden years
“3 years ago I adopted this old guy. Today he’s 14 and he’s doing better than ever!”

“My brother’s rescues, Addie & Chase.”

“Adoption day! 9 yr old good boy Zak, we’re gonna make sure your last years are your best.”

“My grandmother (87) with her newly adopted senior Peanut (14) on their way home from foster care today.”

Rescued pets make awesome, lifelong companions
“Adopted my “end of the world” team yesterday. Shelters are struggling and I was lonely anyway.”

“Just adopted this pupper from a shelter, although this is cute I’m teaching her not to jump on counters.”

“Our newly adopted dog “Mello” hides under the table.”

“Saw these boys up for adoption at the local pet supply store. Their names are Honda and Civic.”

“Lots of strange things happening in the world lately. Adopted this rescue kitty today to make both our lives better.”

“Today I rescued this littly beauty, she drive with me for 1,5 hours like this. I think she knows she’s going to her forever home.”

“Found him on a beach in Russia. Brought him back home to the States. He adopted me.”

“My Little Rescue, Lilith, Got To Play Outside For The First Time Today.”
My Little Rescue, Lilith, Got To Play Outside For The First Time Today! from r/aww
Despite animal shelters being a place of respite it cannot compare to a loving home. Typically, rescues have a hard time adjusting to this environment. Just look at difference in these rescue pet photos! You can learn more about helping the residents of the Animal Humane Society on their website.