When you think of Italy, among the first things that probably comes into your mind is pasta. Now, your favorite Italian staple can do more than just making your tummy full and your heart happy. People have recently started to see it as a potential solution to a major environmental problem—plastic waste. Introducing pasta straws.
Sustainable alternatives to plastic straws are almost everywhere these days. And no, it’s more than just a fad. This movement aims to raise awareness of the increasingly alarming amount of plastic waste and its harmful effects. This is particularly evident in landfills as well as in different bodies of water. As a response, more cafes and restaurants are now going strawless. There are also some who resort to paper straws, bamboo straws, or stainless steel straws instead. After all, there really are certain drinks which are hard to drink without a straw, although not entirely impossible. For instance, bubble teas, smoothies, and milkshakes.

Meanwhile, Reddit user GranFabio spotted another plastic straw alternative being used in some bars in Italy. Kudos to these establishments for finally ditching plastic straws to replace them with pasta straws. However, it would be great if they could also start looking into eco-friendly alternatives for their plastic cups anytime soon. Nonetheless, it’s a great start towards a more sustainable business operation.

The concept of using pasta noodles as alternatives to plastic straws is not entirely new. As a matter of fact, several pasta straw brands have also emerged recently. One of these is Stroodles. But for founder Maxim Gelmann, Stroodles’ objective goes beyond selling pasta straws.
“Stroodles is rather a movement and an educational company and a gateway to more sustainable behaviors and thinking, and the straw is just our first channel (of communication) in our mission to fight plastic waste.”

There’s no doubt that using sustainable straw alternatives lessens plastic waste. However, these do have minor drawbacks too. For instance, paper straws get soggy after a while. Reusable straws require washing after every use. So, if you’re not a fan of either of these, then Stroodles straws might just be the thing for you.

These straws are durable and flavorless. Plus, these can last up to an hour in cold drinks. And do note that the colder the drink, the longer the straw can keep its form intact. As you might have predicted, it’s not recommended to be used for hot drinks. After all, it’s generally not advisable to drink hot beverages from a straw. Besides, you know how pasta can get bendy when exposed to heated liquid. But you may still use it as a stirrer for coffee or hot chocolate drink for a few seconds. The best part about these straws? They can go straight to the compost heap after use. Get yours here.

This ingenious idea has garnered several responses:
Stroodles Pasta Straws are available in boxes of 12, 25, 50, and 100.

Get yours here.