If you think mannequins are nothing but lifeless figures, then think again. These funny mannequins photos posing will certainly change the way you see them. We see them every day at the clothing stores and we often disregard their presence. It is about time they take center stage with these funny poses that will tickle your funny bones. Thanks to the clever people who came up with the idea of arranging them to look entertaining. Now, shopping has never been more fun! And these mannequins are ready to take the internet by storm. We have gathered some funny photos of mannequins posing hilariously that will brighten up your day.
This one obviously doesn’t like what she’s wearing. Change it quick or she’ll ring the blues.

Business suits are officially NOT boring.

After finishing his term at the White House, this is where he ended up.

Looks like this kid is plotting something evil. And where did he just put his hand?

After long hours of standing and doing nothing, it’s good to stretch every now and then.

The look you make when you just got promoted at work and your football team just won the Super Bowl, all at the same time.

Even the most devilish creature wants some nice stripy pants.

Hilarious mannequins posing
While most of us struggle to see our behind, this mannequin can do that without effort.

When something feels so itchy but you’re not allowed to move.

The joy of childhood is the best thing in the world. But anything in excess is likely bad.

This guy nailed that notorious mannequin pose.

When a mannequin looks so realistic that it really looks like a real guy. Oh wait… that’s a real guy looking like a mannequin!

Admit it, ladies. We all do this nasty thing. But why did this mannequin let the cat out of the bag?

Finally, a realistic standard for normal people!

I’m sorry but they look just the same and I’m hungry.