When it comes to childcare, moms always have to carry most of the burden. As much as dads want to lend a hand, there are things that men can’t possibly do. Breastfeeding, most especially, is very essential in childcare and child development. Unfortunately, dads cannot possibly breastfeed their babies, which would leave the responsibility to the mother. But that is about to change now. A Japanese company aims to involve men into the responsibility of providing childcare duties. An innovative invention will allow men to breastfeed their infants especially when mom is not around. Get ready because dads breastfeeding the baby are here to change childcare norms.
This genius innovation was the focal point on this year’s South by Southwest Festival (SXSW). Innovators from all around the world are attending this annual event to showcase their inventions. Among the multitudinous participants, a particular company from Japan caught the interest of many spectators. Dentsu Group, a Tokyo-based advertising and public relations joint stock company, attended the festival with its lineup of interesting inventions. But probably the most intriguing among its range of inventions is this odd-looking device which claims to solve parenting issues.

Dads can now breastfeed their infants
Dentsu unveils the Father’s Nursing Assistant, the first of its kind device that allows men to breastfeed. Breastfeeding dads in the making? Why not? The product is an exact simulation of a woman’s pair of breasts. Reasonably, the simulation is necessary to trick the baby into thinking that these are real breasts. The Father’s Nursing Assistant comes with a shoulder strap so dads can wear it with ease. Usage is quite easy. Simply fill the device up with milk or formula, attach it to your chest, then you’re good to go.
Dentsu writes
“Focusing on breastfeeding, we aim to decrease the amount of burden on mothers and increase the amount of time infants sleep by enabling fathers to breastfeed”

In order to come up with this innovation, the company sought advice from pediatricians and babysitters. The company found out that the shape and softness of a mom’s breasts are important factors that they need to simulate. With these factors in mind, the company came up with a product that looks and feels like mom’s breasts.
Simple yet elegant design
More importantly, mom’s breasts are only as good as what are inside them. For infants, the soothing softness is a plus. But what really matters the most is the milk. This is where clever design comes into place. The Father’s Nursing Assistant is equipped with a tank of milk located on the right breast. A breastfeeding apparatus is located on the left breast where the milk is dispensed for feeding. Furthermore, this device is linked to an app that allows parents to track infant’s breastfeeding and sleep timing thru smartphones.

Not only dads, but even moms, are very excited to get one of these useful devices. But as of the moment, the Father’s Nursing Assistant is still a prototype. Parents will just have to wait until this product finally hits the market. And when this happens, we better get ready because breastfeeding dads are going to rock the world.
Source: Dentsu Group