Love is a hard thing to quantify. It’s a feeling more than it is anything tangible, so how do you know when it’s true love? Love means different things to different people. For some, it’s doing things for your loved one as a gesture to show you care. For others, it’s that feeling you get when you’re with the person you love. We’ve listened to a variety of people about what they think true love is, and you might just identify with some of their ideas! Here are thirteen signs that mean it could be true love. Check them out and see if you agree!
Love is caring about someone more than you care about your appearance.

Love is loving someone for exactly who they are.

Love is doing little things for one another.

Love is saving someone the best bite.

Love is wanting to spend time together.

Love is being able to laugh together.

Love is wanting someone to simply be them.

Love is overlooking those little things.

Love is being able to comfort someone.

Love is having fun, even when you’re asleep.

Love is going out of your way to make it work.

Love is doing things for one another (though it has to be a two-way street).

Love is not always having to talk.

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