You know what it’s like. You really can’t be bothered doing a job or a chore, or perhaps you don’t have the right equipment to hand. So, rather than being sensible about things, you get this bright idea in your head to cut some corners. We assume that’s also what the men in these images were thinking when they got involved in some crazy and unbelievable situations. From a bucket ‘helmet’ to go motorcycling to riding bikes along the sheer sides of a cliff! We’re not sure if these guys are really brave or completely stupid. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Everything here is just so wrong. Where’s mom when you need her?

Inventive headgear but not the safest.

We don’t have words for this.

We feel dizzy just looking at this image.

Yep, this guy has all the best ideas.

We can’t look at this!

This is a bit like being stuck between the jaws of an ice lion!

Why bother hiring a van?

Does this guy have insurance?

This brave fellow is taking his injury very well.

Just one slip of the hand and it’s all over for this guy!

It’s interesting to note that these fails were all the fault of men. There are no women in these images at all in fact. Is this because females are more sensible? Maybe. Is it because guys are inherently more willing to take a risk? That’s perfectly possible. What’s most likely is that it’s just down to boys being boys and doing what they feel like when women aren’t around to protest! Whatever the explanation, there is a strangely daring – or could that be insane – subset of men who do this stuff. And, we really enjoy looking at their funny and badly judged mishaps! Keep on scrolling.
How’s he going to get back down again?

Safety first!

At least his hair’s protected even if his skull isn’t.

These guys are unbelievable!

If there’s an accident, riding like this could cause devastating injuries!

We hope he’s home alone!

This image is pretty ironic!

Surely this isn’t the way to disarm a device!

Not the best location for a trampoline!

What goes through the minds of these people?

Not a very common sight.

This could catch on.

These images are completely terrifying.

He’s not even wearing protective gear.

Have these guys never heard of a harness?

Probably seemed like a great idea at the time.