For some reason, there are certain people who don’t seem to realize how precious life is and how easy it is to lose it! Here we have an amusing but worrying selection of images showing men risking their lives to get the job done!
This is when you know if someone trusts a certain product.

Adding a piece of wood and a pole of metal then voila! You can reach for the stars.

These guys may have worked for the circus before ended up being electricians.

Let’s just hope he gets off on time before the tree falls.

Nobody needs to wear protective glasses anymore.

Let’s hope no one barges through that door.

Just teaching the son to aim straight.

When the company doesn’t provide you ladders, then you have to improvised.

Who needs moving services when you can move your furniture your way.

Can’t trust other people to finish the job, so you have to do it yourself.

I don’t wanna see what’s about to happen…

Occupational hazard. They’re used to this kind of danger.

I can only imagine how he got there…and how is he going to get down.

Need a light? Got you covered.

Life is boring when you follow the rules.

When you still follow safety precautions…

“Just need to clean this part right here…”

When you don’t want to take the stairs.

The risk of trying to get the perfect Instagram post.

Hold it tight brother!

Just taking the shortcut to the other side.

When you’re rushing to fly the colors before anyone finds out.

Hoping he doesn’t lose his toes during the whole process.

Sometimes you have to improvise. Safety isn’t necessary for these guys.

The problem of having high ceilings.