The most wonderful time of the year is near. Which means that season-exclusive sips and treats are about to fall upon us, and we are so ready! Now, season-exclusive offerings are typically pricier than the regular fare. But of course there are some sweet exceptions, like the Dove Dark Chocolate Cherry Swirl, which have stocked shelves as early as October 27.

“Dove Promises Candy is a festive, silky-smooth chocolate gift for stockings and gift exchanges.”

Dove fans may recognize that the combination isn’t exactly new. In fact, Dove has used the decadent dark chocolate and cherry pairing for a number of earlier products. Years ago, the chocolate company released a similar confection in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Then, after seeing the success of the combination, Dove went ahead and dipped whole cherries in their signature dark chocolate. And now the bittersweet combination is making yet another comeback, this time as a Target-exclusive treat!
Dove promises a tastefully delectable experience for the senses

These chocolates don’t come in special shapes like the Valentine’s Day edition did. Instead, “each individually wrapped chocolate has a sweet message to brighten your day and your candy dish”. Festive foil adorned with Christmas-related imagery wraps each piece. The delightful swirls hidden underneath the festive wrapping is a visual feast in itself. So much so that it’s almost too beautiful to eat! (We’ll probably spend a good minute or two before we cave into our craving.)

If you’re looking for a great stocking filler this year, you can’t go wrong with Dove’s swirly holiday offering. This confection will surely raise your serotonin levels without spiking your blood sugar levels. Dove’s Promises miniatures contain only pure dark chocolate. Which means that this 225.1 gram pack contains 17 grams of sugar per serving. More importantly, you can indulge on about 7 servings from this pack and not worry about your waist line. Because each serving contains about 170 calories. Making chocolate treats is an art form in itself, and we have to say that Dove has truly made quite a masterpiece.

The Dove Dark Chocolate Cherry Swirl will definitely be the star of your candy bowl this Christmas. You can get the decadent chocolate and cherry confection for $3.99 at Target. For that price, there certainly won’t be any harm in buying as much as you can!