Many of us would admit that at one time or another, particularly at a younger age, we’ve been embarrassed of our parents. This is very common and often it’s for good reason. However, sometimes we forget that our parents were also young once, and we may underestimate how awesome they were. Here we have some times our parents were cooler than we will ever be! Some of these people have set the bar really high. Take a look!
Times Our Parents Were Cooler Than We Will Ever Be
Riding a unicycle with two crates of beer. Hero!

A broken wrist didn’t stop this wild child from getting on with things!

Skateboarding barefoot with a briefcase in hand, wearing a suit. Absolutely awesome!

The boy photographed bought his first car aged 11 with his own money that he earned from farming. He drove it daily!

This awesome dad worked as a military contractor diving in the red sea back in the 70’s!

We would be interested to see how this guy aged!

Taken in 1975 at 16 years old. Chilling on a Camaro!

What a brilliant shot!

Dad sculpting a bust of mom in the 1980’s. What a great talent!

This lady makes skateboarding look easy, and super cool, of course!

Skills! Skiing in just underwear is pretty brave if you ask us.

Not many people can say that their mom was a tank instructor!

Another skilled skateboarder here. What a show of excellent balance and strength!

Amazing! We wonder how long it took these guys to master this move…