When you first have kids, you tend to look at your bundle of joy and think how wonderfully innocent and pure they are. Whilst an essence of this always sticks around, as children age and begin to walk, talk and have opinions, sometimes they can be rather brutal. Here we have some images where parents reveal the most savage things their kids have said to them. Cruel, hilarious and slightly worrying, take a look and see what you think!
Website: Whisper
Parents Reveal The Most Savage Things Their Kids Have Said To Them
Charming! Aren’t kids just delightful?

Getting relationship advice from a 3 year old is never fun.

It sounds like this little guy needs to be sat down and given an explanation on how mothers (or fathers) who look after their children and run the household work very hard. Not having a standard ‘job’ does not equate to doing nothing.

Ah, the ripped jeans trend, confusing kids everywhere!

Aww, this is pretty sad!

Your kids hating you at certain times is a standard part of parenting!

Wow. Burn. What a quick thinker that boy is at comebacks!

We would like to know what job this 8 year old ends up in!

Kids who aren’t even adults think about shipping you off to a care home it would seem!

Some kids just know how to hit you where it hurts!

And, another day mommy will be the favorite. Kids are fickle!

We hope the 4 year old was properly educated on this issue!

A little is better than a lot, we guess!

Not exactly what you want to hear, despite how adorable elephants can be!
