It’s no secret that some dads struggle to deal with the idea that their precious daughters will eventually date. Some of them feel it is their duty to make these potential suitors feel uncomfortable. It’s only fair to warn them of the wrath they will face if they hurt their precious baby girls, right? Here we have a list of protective dads that may have taken things a little too far. Take a look and decide for yourself!
This dad calls this gem the ‘birth control blanket’.

We can confirm that many boys are ‘ew’.

Nothing to see here… just a dad chaperoning a date in close proximity!

‘Dad making sure that my new boyfriend is competent’

The dad lurking in the background makes this so photo brilliant!

Apparently there’s even a club for dads against daughters dating…

Well, we didn’t see that one coming!

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To be fair, break up cake is a brilliant idea!

Dad looks utterly thrilled! Congratulations guys!

Well, this text is pretty incriminating! Rookie mistake, dad.

Someone made the mistake of asking this guy’s daughter for a photo of her in a bra.

Apparently you’re never too old to have the length of your shorts checked.

Aww. Doesn’t she look thrilled?

What to wear when meeting your daughter’s boyfriend…