Many people have photos that they like but something in them just isn’t quite right. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skills to alter and change their own photos, so, they seek out help from other more skilled people. Here we present the hilarious work of some Korean Photoshop masters.
However, their work comes with a twist. They ultimately do whatever they please with the photos and personally we think the results are brilliant. The people who originally submitted the photos might not feel the same, though! We’ve included what we have imagined to be the original requests above each picture. Take a look!
The New And Improved Photos
I would like to look more professional. In a uniform, for example…

Can you find a way to make this picture less boring?

Can you make me shine bright like a diamond?

Can you make it so that I can cut my face out of the picture without the waitress being in the background?

I would like this statue photo to stand out from everyone else’s please…

People don’t believe that my photo is real. Can you make it more realistic please?

Please make it so that it looks like a group of people are chasing me…

Can you place me and my cat into a battlefield?

Please make it look like I have a superpower…

I have many horse related fantasies. Can you make my picture more magical?

Can you make me look like a BBQ master?

Please make it look like a group of people are in the background…

I am wearing socks but they are short. Please make it clearer that I have socks on…

Please make me taller than my friend…

Whilst these new and improved photos might not have been what people had in mind, we think they are just fantastic. There’s always a risk your vision won’t come to life when you ask someone else to get involved but we think it’s made pretty clear that you’re going to get an interesting surprise! You can really tell that the people editing these photos have some seriously good skills. You can head over to their Facebook page and submit your own image, if you dare!
It Gets Even Better…
Can you make the background of my photo more dangerous?

The waves look pretty tame. Can you liven them up a bit?

Can you make me look like I am a master with the cheese?

Is there any way you could make this photo less gross and more like something out of a movie?

My friend is getting married. Can you make him look more wedding themed?

Can you add a bear or something that will make this phote more exiting?

Can you make the man look closer?

Please remove the couple in the background and surround me with cherry blossoms…

Can you lower my trousers as I don’t want my socks showing and add a beer?

Can you give my soldier friend a warmer welcome?

Please make my photo look more scary!

Can you make it look like I am with a girl?

Can you remove my underwear?

The background is too white. Can you make it more interesting?

Source: WeDoPhotoshop