Today, being left-handed is considered a badge of honor for most but that doesn’t mean that being a leftie doesn’t come with some trials and tribulations. For example, scissors and can openers being hard to maneuver, plus the painstaking task that is carefully trying not to smudge all your words as you write. But, did you know that there are actually some rather strange facts and figures about lefties? There’s more to being a southpaw than you might think, so take a look and learn more!
About 10% of people are left-handed.

That means there are about 30 million lefties in America.

Lefties are three times more likely to become alcoholics.

About 40% of all professional tennis players are southpaws.

Assuming you’re typing properly, the longest word you’ll type using just your left hand is “stewardesses”.

Left-handed people tend to use the right hand side of their brain more, the side that is linked to creativity.

On averages, lefties hit puberty about four to five months earlier than righties.

Despite only 1 in 10 people being left-handed, 4 out of the last 7 US presidents have been lefties.

A woman in her 40’s or older is 128% more likely to give birth to a left-handed child than a woman in her 20’s.

Among college graduates, lefties make 26% more money than their right-handed counterparts.

Queen Elizabeth II of England is left-handed, as is her son Prince Charles and her grandson Prince William.

Lefties are much better at using their right hand than righties are at using their left.

In the past, being left-handed was associated with evil. So much so that the word “sinister” comes from the Latin for “left.”

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