It’s no secret that humans can be well over dramatic at times. But, this trait is not limited to us, and anyone who owns a cat would tell you that the feline species have a special talent when it comes to going over the top. Although your pets will cause you to roll your eyes numerous times a day, the amount of times that they make you laugh is usually double that. Here we have some hilarious images showing cats who could win awards for being over dramatic! Take a look, you won’t be able to hold back your laughter!
How it feels when you miss the last step when going down a set of stairs…

When you tell someone not to splash you in the pool and they do it anyway…

Before going to the vets vs after going to the vets!

This cat does not like human/canine affection…

When your favorite character dies on a TV show…

‘Why me?’


This cat does not want to be rained on!

When your friend says that they have to go home after spending the weekend with you…

How you react when you don’t get your own way…

When your mom buys your favorite ice cream…

The look you get when you knock over your cat’s milk and have none left to replace it.

Someone is NOT happy!

These images have definitely improved our mood! We never properly realized just how over the top cats can be. Images like the ones in this post just make us that much more confused as to how certain people can believe that animals don’t have emotions. You only have to take one look at these photos to see a whole array of feelings! Cats really do have so much to offer, so, if you can handle a few dramatics every now and again, a cat could be the pet for you! Keep going to see more hilarious images!
‘So, instead of letting me in, you get your camera out? Nice, real nice.’

This cat looks like it has been chased by something terrifying!

This cat is judging you…

When life gets too much and you just give up…

It’s a hard life…

‘It’s staying here? Forever?’

Look at the guy’s glasses! We’d be scared too!

When your cat sees you without make up for the first time…

This cat comes to haunt those that do bad things…

‘You want to stick that temperature thing where?’

The stages of cat panic…

‘If only there was someone around to give me love and attention…’

When your owners want to bring a dog into the family…

How you feel after a TV show you’re addicted to ends…