A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes, a thousand laughs too. Take for example the case of these panorama fails of photos that went extremely wrong and ended up looking hilarious and creepy at the same time.
Got your own share of panorama fails? Let us know in the comments below.
The Leaning Eiffel Tower

Big Bend. See what we did there?

So apparently, there are plenty of panorama fails involving long cats…

Come here, kitty kitty kitty!

One big, fat long cat.

Walking about, walking around.

Long goats are long.

A new breed of sheep.

Two-headed dog.

How a dog looks like with only two legs.

This doggo’s still cute though.

Photos with unexpected results
So my mom took a panorama yesterday…

Wondering how this long dog can balance with only five legs.

A bus with 200-people seating capacity.

Convenient third arm.

Something doesn’t look right.

Too creepy!

This girl doesn’t need a selfie stick.

This is the reason why you have to stay still when taking selfies – a wide selfie to be precise.


Is this from the movie Inception?

Slumping Pool