Whether we like it or not, the bliss that Valentine’s day brings will always be an extra sweet sensation, especially for those who are in love. Cliche as it may sound, Valentine’s day is perhaps here to stay forever a long as we continue to believe in the power of love. Especially now that heart’s day is just around the corner, for sure, a lot of lovers will make it a day to remember. Let’s see some sweet and unexpected Valentine’s Day love stories below.
#1 What kind of person does that? It’s seems like just a game for him.

#2 A day you will forever remember, in a negative way. But things happen for a reason, we may not know what it is right now, but eventually, you will.

#3 Aaaaw, a sweet Valentine that you will both cherish.

#4 OMG! What a horrible experience. Almost but not quite.

#5 Oh I can just feel the excitement you were having that day. So overwhelming.

#6 It’s so perfect to the point of being scary. But we’re definitely happy for the both you.

#7 See! All it takes is for you to get drunk to have that courage! Who would have thought?

#8 Now you just wait. God might still be busy writing the best love story for you. You’re still young anyway.Enjoy life!

#9 It was never an accident to begin with. More like, it was love that you were not ready to admit, at that time.

#10 If proven to be true, that’ll be a sweet gesture. But just don’t count the chickens before they’re hatched. Remember, disappointments.

#11 Lol! Well, maybe it was a case of love but just not being excited about it.

#12 Aaaaw! Isn’t that sweet? Stories like these would really make us believe that forever exists.

#13 For some strange reasons, though this similar act has already been used several times, I still find this sweet.

#14 It’s really not a matter of who proposed first. It’s cute, actually. And it just shows that you both are in love with each other.

Was your valentine’s day experience the same as them? Do you think it will be different this year? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below!