No one can claim parenting is an easy job. It comes with its own particular, and lengthy, sets of challenges. Let’s be honest here people, as cute as they are, having kids around can sometimes drive you crazy! Even so, most parents try their very best to do everything possible for their little ones! These 14 super dedicated parents we’ve featured below really went the extra mile! Check them out, and you might feel a little inspired!
This parent went to the trouble of printing out a ‘monster spray’ label!

Paul Henson caused a stir when he let his son, Caiden, dress up as ‘Elsa’ for Halloween. After being bullied by classmates for his chosen costume choice, Caiden was keen to ditch the idea, but his dad encouraged him, even suggesting he would dress up as ‘Princess Anna’. They stuck it to the bullies!

A Michigan dad wrote this heartfelt letter to his son, telling him how much his parents loved him, no matter what his sexuality!

This dad went all out in the creation of a special graduation present that this young lady will treasure forever, and a day!

These dedicated parents went to the trouble of converting a thrift store TV unit into a play kitchen for their two year old son. They experienced abuse from haters, but didn’t let it stand in their way!

This dad, Mikki Willis, let the world know via a YouTube video, that it’s ok for little boys to play with dolls!

This dad received praise all over the Internet for this act of solidarity with his child.

Will Hutt’s son, Liam wanted to dress up as ‘Cruella de Vil’ for Halloween. Far from discouraging him, Hutt came up with this impressive costume!

After a toddler found his mother’s wedding gown and became upset he was not there to witness their marriage, the couple reenacted the ceremony just for him! This adorable shot was taken right after the couple said their vows!

Gina de Villo Vagner’s son told her he wanted an ‘American Boy’ doll for his birthday. So, she created one!

A group of dedicated dads take classes in hair styling, so they can make awesome creations for the little girls!

Parent, Geof Grubb draws on his daughter’s eye patches every day to reduce the stigma of wearing one!

Alistair Campbell got a cochlear implant as a tattoo, to support his daughter who has to wear them for her hearing.

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