Every parent disciplines their children at their own discretion. People have different beliefs on what is a punishable offence and what reaction each offence deserves. Here we have a list of images where parents reveal the questionable reasons for grounding their kids. Some are perfectly reasonable, others not so much! Of course, we must try not to be judgmental of each other but sometimes you can’t help but feel shocked. Take a look and decide what you think!
Website: Whisper
It’s hard punishing your child for something like this but ultimately you don’t want them to use violence as a solution to their problems.

‘It affected me too’… are we the only ones who think that this is a strange way to describe the situation?

Ah, entering the teenage years. What a delight!

Sorry but this is ridiculous! Punishments should be reserved for bad behavior not for playing a game!

Many kids try to get the other parent to be on their side! Annoying!

This parent is taking control of the situation well!

Too harsh? It’s important to teach our kids that lying isn’t okay!

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This is just too extreme in our opinion. A whole summer is ridiculous in comparison to the ‘offence’. It would have been much better to explain to the daughter the dangers of the internet and how to be careful and sensible, but that’s just what we think!

Hmm. We’re not sure what to make of this one. We guess it’s age dependent. Some people enjoy rap music with such language without being racist. Of course, the word is horrible but it’s used a lot in music!

As parents, you know your kids will experiment, but that doesn’t mean you want to condone it from a young age.

No need to feel that way. If we let our kids get away with everything we did as children, they would be a nightmare!

This mom needs to work with dad to co-parent. Stealing is wrong and deserves punishment. She’s setting a bad example by being annoyed at dad.

This has got to be in the top 3 most ridiculous reasons on this list!

We bet he’ll think twice about being so disrespectful now!
