We all know that not everything in life makes sense. We also all know that some people suck at their jobs. Well, here we have a list of photos that combine those two facts. Below you will find a selection of amusing occasions where designers messed up. These images really do make you wonder ‘why’?
We’re willing to bet that certain people got fired for some of these. Take a look and prepare to feel utterly bemused!
Amusing Occasions Where Designers Messed Up
‘Do you wanna play a game?’

When your sink design looks like a huge mess…

This hydrant will come in so handy in an emergency!

What excellent placement… not.

Nude leggings can lead to all sorts of shocks!

Thank goodness there’s a peep hole with this door. Being able to see who’s outside is important.

And the award for the most pointless gate ever goes to…

We cannot figure out any possible reason that this was built…

A slide for kids with no sides, what a great idea! Said no one ever.

You shall not pass this mighty blockage.

Not exactly what you want a kid’s toy to look like!

This is literally the stuff of nightmares!

Because having easily accessible toilet paper would just be too easy.

For those who don’t care for privacy? WHY?!

Who wants to stand this close to another person whilst they pee?

That wiper blade is wasting its life on that van. Sad.