When most people think of women and cats, the first phrase that springs to mind is "crazy cat lady". Photographer Brianne Wills decided to challenge this stereotype, in her series of beautiful ladies and their cats, living in New York. The series was so well-received she's decided to make it an on-going project on 'Instagram'. So far, she's stuck to New York-based women and their felines, though she has plans to expand her geographical coverage. She's also started adding cute, adoption stories to go along with her photographs. Check 'em out!
instagramSam and Charlie in Bushwick. Charlie and his brothers were rescued by @tinydarsky, who found them being given away in a Dallas grocery store parking lot. She had them flown to NYC and found them loving homes.
Ryen and Hazel in Kensington. Ryen, who does rescue work with Brooklyn Animal Action, helping to trap-neuter and return feral cats, as well as to foster kittens waiting to be rehomed, adopted Hazel from the New Rochelle Humane Society.
instagramLilly and Pollo in Greenpoint. Lilly adopted Pollo when his former owner didn't want him because his head was too pointy.