There’s no denying that at times kids can suck the life out of you. Full of energy and attitude, they can be a lot to handle. But, every now and again they do something so funny, cute or adorable that you remember why they are so great and all the stresses and frustrations drift away. It’s easy as adults to feel like we know it all but there’s certainly a thing or two that we could learn from our youngsters. Here we have a list of kids who are definitely winning at life. Take a look and enjoy!
When you’re told to only bring the essential things you need…

When chicken is life…

Don’t mess with Elsa or this is what happens.

What a cool outfit!

That is a pretty awesome mermaid tail to be fair…


We don’t blame him! That really looks like him!

This is incredible.

The exorcist, definitely!

The best photo ever! We hope the little girl’s family got a copy!

Clever girl. No one’s gonna mess with a spooky owl!

A great effort!