So many of the things we buy have barcodes on them. They are easy to recognize and serve a simple purpose. But, just because they are common and necessary, it doesn’t mean that they have to be boring! More and more businesses are getting creative and coming up with genius barcode designs that give their products that little extra something. It pays off to be unique and stand out from the crowd! Take a look!
Genius Barcode Designs
If you check out Black Prairie’s album, you’ll see an accordion themed barcode.

This barcode brilliantly matches the company logo!

We never realized how many different ways you could transform a simple old barcode!

As you may have guessed, this barcode was on tea packaging.

This barcode completely merges into the design of the wine bottle! Clever!

New York City skyline…

Little things can make a big difference! We would remember something like this.

This spaghetti themed barcode advertises its product rather well!

A waiter carrying a stack of plates! Brilliant!

This design is definitely one of our favorites!

Surfing the barcode waves…

This barcode was found on the back of a children’s book about thunderstorms.

We love this tree roots design.

Another tree design here portrayed in a completely different way!