For those of you who aren’t yet familiar with Christine Teigen, you’re in for a treat. The gorgeous model who is married to singer John Legend and mother to Luna Legend has a flare for being witty and sassy. Not afraid to interact with the trolls of this world, Chrissy effortlessly makes people laugh. Here we have a collection of some of her best and most hilarious tweets. Take a look and enjoy, but be warned some tweets contain foul language not suitable for young readers!
Website: Twitter
Lazy people everywhere are appreciating Chrissy right now.


She makes a good point…

This feels very Star Wars…

We’ve all been there.


When you try to find the positives in life…

Sitting on a throne in space watching the world go by would be pretty awesome.

Chrissy has the best sense of humor.

She is so spot on! People go crazy over the smallest things…

The face you make when your name always gets spelled incorrectly…

We relate to this so damn much!

We literally see the word pizza and want to eat pizza.

This sounds utterly blissful!

Chrissy sounds like she would make such a fun friend. We love celebrities that don’t take themselves and life too seriously. Chrissy isn’t bothered by insults and trolls, which is hardly surprising as she always seems to have a savage comeback on tap! We also admire the way she teases her husband, John. Chrissy is definitely a good person to follow on Twitter if you’re currently lacking when it comes to amusing people. Keep going to see more hilarious tweets!

Well this got very heated…

We wish we had seen John’s reaction to this.

A nice gesture.

When someone doesn’t appreciate your humor…

Well played, John!

People need to chill.


Don’t you just hate it when drunk you irritates sober you?

How lovely that Luna will get to see this hilarious photo when she’s older!

The self loathing is strong when this happens…

People should really think through their insults before saying them.
