When you pay for a product or a service, you expect it to be to a certain standard. It’s not uncommon for people to be disappointed by what they receive. Some of us can easily brush these things off, but others feel the need to seek justice! Thanks to social media sites such as Twitter, there are plenty of outlets for people to air their grievances. Below we have a list of amusing examples of customer complaints that are just brilliant… take a look!
Crayola refuse to have a disappointed customer!

Oh dear! Pretty hilarious as long as the dog was not harmed!

How can anyone deliver this as a professional service?

London Underground is clearly fed up of being blamed for lateness!

This one never gets old!

At least there’s plenty to keep you entertained in a bookstore!

We agree with this. There was so much potential here to create something great!

Keep Going To See More!
When you order a milkshake and it turns up like this…

How disappointing!

At least the person admitted their mistake!

This still looks pretty delicious though…

Judging someone by their phone network is ridiculously shallow!


We would love to see if there was a reply…