Every little girl loves a 'Disney' princess! Those awesomely dramatic storylines and beautiful dresses make for a heady and intoxicating mix. Therefore, it's very easy to understand how kids can become captivated by movies such as 'Cinderella' and 'Snow White'. If you love Disney princesses too, than take a look at these 15 facts which you might not already have known about these wonderful ladies! Check it out!
'Aurora' only has 18 lines of dialog in 'Sleeping Beauty', and also has 18 minutes of screen time in total!

Crazily, 'Sleeping Beauty' flopped at the box office when it came out!

'Mulan' may be considered to be a Disney princess, however, she is not royalty either by birth or by marriage.

'Pocahontas' is the only Disney princess who actually existed in real life!

'Merida' is the only Disney princess ever to speak with a non-American accent!

'Ariel' was given red hair so the public wouldn't confuse her with the mermaid from the movie 'Splash'.

In order to keep their stories separate, Disney princesses are never shown to make eye contact with each other, when they're together.

In every other version of the story, 'Cinderella' is the nickname that her nasty step-family call her, but, in the Disney version, Cinderella is her only name.

Originally, 'Tiana' was set to be a maid, named 'Maddy', however, critics didn't like her 'slave name'. They also didn't like the fact that she was to be a chambermaid as it was too reminiscent of 'Prissy', from 'Gone With the Wind'.

'Ariel's' signature song, 'Part of Your World' was almost cut from the movie for being too boring!

At just 14 years old, 'Snow White' is the youngest Disney princess.

'Snow White' is the only Disney princess to ever have her own star on the 'Hollywood Walk of Fame'!

'Belle' is the only character in her town to wear blue. Interestingly, the other outcast in the movie, 'The Beast', wears blue also!

Originally, 'Pocahontas' had a sidekick that was a turkey named 'Redfeather', however, John Candy, who was to voice the character, unfortunately died before he could finish recording!

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