What is it with dads and their truly awful jokes? They’re always at it! The annoying aspect is that the more they tell them, the funnier dads find them and that laughter is unfortunately infectious. No matter how hard we try to resist their quips and pranks, we always wind up laughing along with the older male generation of our families. Yes, when it comes to jokes, dads are still big kids at heart and don’t we love them for it! Take a look at these priceless images of groan-out-loud dad jokes and let us know any funny stories of your own in the comments.
He bath bombed the toilet!

This is hilarious…in a parallel universe!

One embarrassing dad brought his son’s things to school in THIS!

We’re loving what this dad wrote!

Mom did ask for a smaller tree that year.

Dad just got Snapchat!

The old ones are the best!

We don’t want to know what was going through this one dad’s mind when he did this!

Dad shows off a photo of his pride and joy.

We’ve no idea why he keeps leaving this cutout around the house!

He got a nice new Nokia cover for his brand new iPhone!

There are just no words for this!

Stop playing with your food dad!

This dad’s snowball was so perfect he made it his profile photo!

The dad-joke is a very strange thing. Part complete lack of humor and part funny, there’s arguably a real art to its delivery. No wonder our dads never stop with their hilarity as practice makes perfect! (At least they believe that anyway!) Yes, these quips can be annoying, but would you ever swap the dad-joker in your life for anyone else? Of course you wouldn’t! We’re particularly loving the dad wearing the hair extensions! So, keep on scrolling to see more of these hilarious and cringe-worthy images. Remember to let us know your favorite too. Read ’em and weep!
Imagine getting home to find your dad like this!

This guy thinks he’s the funniest.

Guess who found the hair extensions!

When his daughter had a nightmare about him being sucked into a computer, this dad did this. We bet she’s still recovering.

You can’t take dad anywhere.

All kitted out and ready for his daughter’s first driving lesson.

This is what lunch looks like when your dad’s a cop!

These dads and moms have a good and perhaps slightly sick sense of humor!

A family mid dad-joke.

She was promised ‘Frozen’presents. We think she was talking about the movie!

When his son’s apartment lost power, dad sent this photo of these workmen coming to the rescue!

“Son, while you’ve been away the dog’s moved into your room.”

One dentist-dad created this for Halloween!

A dad sent his son this photo of him and the cat just chilling.