No matter how stately, posh, livable or comfortable your home is, there’s always room for improvements. These can be greater than great when you can do them yourself and they don’t cost much money! Check out these 20 easy and economical ways to make your home better, simply by utilizing a few basic DIY skills. The satisfaction you’ll get from completing these tasks, as well as the amazing results, will make it all worthwhile.
Check out part 2 of our Creative DIY Ideas series.
13 Creative DIY Ideas For Your Home – Part 2
Hide your router or something similar with fake books. Instructions here.

Adapt plastic coat hangers to make great storage for unsightly and easily messed up cords and leads.

Foam pool noodles can save your car from being scratched in a tight garage.

Tie some Eucalyptus to your shower head for a great fragrance.

Utilize a shelf with raisers when storing items like DVD’s to be able to see your collection better. A phone book will also do the trick!

Dry erase marker on glass can make a great alternative to an ugly whiteboard.

Glue a pinecone on top of a prescription bottle and bury it for an instant spare key holder no one will ever find!

Use an extra shower rod to create storage for your shower.

When painting a room, keep some extra paint in a small jar for quick touch-ups.

Utilize a drinks dispenser for a pretty place to store your laundry liquid.

Magazine racks make for excellent canned food storage.

A cheap CD rack makes great bathroom storage when turned on its side.

Utilize two coat hooks as as classy hanger for your ironing board.

Want a better organized pantry? Use a shoe rack.

Use a wine rack to store your towels neatly and stylishly.

You can use an old laundry basket to create unique, polka-dot walls.

Make creative, whimsical shelves from old drawers. Give them a lick of paint for a new lease of life!

Use a paper towel holder to decoratively organize your bracelets and bangles.

A hinged painting or canvas is a great way to hide unsightly things like thermostats.

Old door knobs can make eclectic and useful hangers for towels.

Check out part 2 of our Creative DIY Ideas series.
13 Creative DIY Ideas For Your Home – Part 2