The way a person is dressed is probably the first thing that we notice. In this modern era where fashion is venerated, a person’s outfit becomes a reflection of his or her personality. And, it has been a common belief that creating one’s own style is the discovery of one’s unique individuality. Bizarre fashion trends are not new to us and we see people wearing them every day. Here we have 15 of the most confusing fashion trends that will shock and amuse you at the same time!
I can’t figure out if this was intentional or not.

Britney and pepperoni don’t compliment each other so well.

This shirt comes with an accessory that protects the cat’s eyes from UV rays.

I hate to admit it but these pigeon-shoes are actually cute.

What is he trying to pull off?

Is that a hat or a mat?

Denim boots in a flip flop sandal isn’t a bad idea.

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You can almost feel the agony of the fishes while they’re gasping for breath.

The yeti has finally come out in the open.

What a clever way to salvage a denim pants.

Nope, he didn’t forget to wear his belt.

When ‘too much’ is not enough…

I see the Lord everywhere I look. The Lord is with me always.

How are we supposed to wear that?