Being a parent is the most rewarding, and sometimes infuriating, job in the world! No matter how much you love and care for your little darlings, taking care of them is not easy. They don’t understand when you’re exhausted and can’t play anymore and what about those tantrums they throw at the shoe store? Thankfully, we have 12 awesome parenting hacks which will help you though the teething stage, shoe buying and more! Take a look!
It might sound crazy but children just love sitting in a box and drawing all over it! You can also steal yourself some ‘me’ time while they create happily.

Trash bags are perfect for lining diaper pails.

A lint roller is your best friend for picking up glitter from crafts and even food crumbs!

Always keep a food caddy in the car to minimize mess.

Wearing a onesie back to front stops your baby from pulling his diaper off and redecorating the house in the process!

Modifying an old lotion bottle is an excellent idea for children who can’t reach the faucet.

An old DVD case can double up as a portable art kit to take on vacations and journeys.

If your child hates taking medicine cut a hole in the end of a pacifier and put the dropper inside!

Teething is no fun at all. Help them through it by making frozen milk or water pacifiers!

Use a barrette to hold loose straps in place!

Do your children get cranky at the shoe store? Just trace their feet and bring the paper along with you when you’re buying their footwear. Easy and hassle free!

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