Not everyone can share the same sense of humor. There are always going to be things that some people find funny and other people don’t. But, when you have a weird sense of humor, you get used to being pretty much the only person in the room who finds certain things funny. And, let’s not even get started on the looks you often get when you try to crack a joke. So, here are twelve things that you’ll understand if you have an odd sense of humor!
You don’t often find people who get your sense of humor, so when you do they’re pretty much your friend forever.

You’ve got used to saying “nothing” when someone asks you what’s so funny.

You’ve invested way too much time in jokes that people don’t appreciate.

And you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you usually have to explain why your jokes are funny.

It can get pretty awkward when people ask you why you’re laughing and you try to explain.

Your friends are used to receiving goofy texts from you.

You’ve been known to joke about things at totally inappropriate times.

You’ve trained yourself to laugh quietly so people don’t know how often you find stupid things funny.

It’s a real issue for you when people ask to see what it was you were laughing at so wildly.

In fact, it has ended in mass awkwardness more than once.

Like, so much so that just want the ground to open up and swallow you on down.

But, at the end of the day, as long as you’re making yourself laugh, that’s all that matters!

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