The USA is viewed as a progressive, modern society. So, you’d think the laws of the land would reflect this. However, this is simply not the case. For instance, did you know it is still legal to fire someone simply for being homosexual in a whopping 29 states? Or that there’s no legal protection for poor animals against beastiality in at least 12 states? Check out these 21 things that are actually legal in the USA, and prepare to be surprised! Take a look!
In 29 states, it’s technically legal to fire someone simply for being gay.

You can legally get a government photograph taken whilst wearing a strainer on your head!

In the Sunshine State, you can shoot guns in your backyard.

In South Carolina, as long as you ask the ‘Department of Commerce’ first, you can legally fire a missile.

Freakily, it’s not illegal to eat another human in any American state. However, you’re likely to be suspected of murder!

West Virginians are still allowed to text and drive, despite how dangerous it is.

The powerful hallucinogen ‘Salvia’ is legal in all 50 states.

In Georgia, you can send a picture of your privates to whoever you want and not get in trouble!

In 11 states, you’re allowed to marry your first cousin.

Counting cards is not illegal in the States. Although, you may find yourself kicked out of the casino.

Serving roadkill as a meal is perfectly legal almost anywhere in the States.

Owning a tank is legal in all states.

In 43 states, you can buy yourself one of these electric weapons.

In Massachusetts, as long as you’re in your own home, you can give a kid of any age alcohol, legally.

Corporal punishment is still legal in 19 states.

Unlike some other nations, in all 50 states of America, you can drive legally in bare feet.

Women are free to stroll the streets topless. Unless they’re in Utah, Indiana or Tennessee, that is.

In all but 10 states, you can legally own a flame thrower!

In nine states, you can have a brown bear as a pet.

In Mississippi, you are legally allowed to drink and drive!

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