April Fool’s Day is the holiday usually associated with pranks, but as any true pranksters know, you can pull a good prank any day that you like. If you need an excuse, though, Halloween is a good day to pull some spooky pranks and get people in the spirit of the holiday. As long as you keep your pranks light and funny, not mean, most people will react well to them. Here are 10 awesome spooky pranks that are perfect for Halloween. Now you just need to decide who to play them on!
Learn how to make these realistic jello worms and offer people up a bowl.

If you’re a good artist, draw a spider on the end of a toilet paper roll.

Display the shadow figure of Slender Man to freak out everyone in your house.

Leave a hidden message on the bathroom mirror, so when people get out of the shower, they see something like this…

Make a pickled head in a jar.

Leave a spooky surprise in the fridge.

Scare passers by with this idea.

Put red food dye in the cistern of your toilet. Next time someone flushes, it will look like they’re flushing blood.

Make your house look like the scene of a murder using these shower mats that turn red when wet.

Rig up an air horn to go off when someone adjusts their chair.

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