When you're planning a party there's a lot to take into consideration. You need to make nibbles, provide drinks and what do you do when the conversation inevitably runs out? Well, we can't help you with the food or drinks, but we can give you plenty of entertainment ideas which will help break those awkward silences! Check out these 12 awesome drinking games which will ensure your night is one to remember for a very long time after! Let us know your favorite party drinking game in the comments!
'Wizard Sticks' – This is an awesome game where you use duct tape to attach every beer that you finish to the previous one, ending up with an 'wizard stick'! Whoever ends up with the longest 'stick' wins, however, there's always the option of battling against another wizard to hopefully break their staff and win yourself!

'Beer Ball' – Similar to 'beer pong', you and a partner set up your cans across from each other and take turns to hit each others cans with a ping pong ball. Whoever hits their opponents beer can, starts downing their beer and stops when the other person finds the ball and touches it onto the table. Whoever finishes their drink first is the winner!

'Drunken Artists' – Make up your own drawing game with your own rules. Drunk art is terrible art!

'Risk' – Fill some shot glasses with vodka and others with water and then add food coloring. Take turns to see which drinks people get. Whoever ends up with the water won't be too happy!

'Stump' – You have a stump of wood with a nail in it. You flip a hammer, have to catch it and then hit your nail. If you manage that successfully, you give out a drink. However if you fail, you have to take a drink!

'Attached At The Hip' – When people get to the party, they're handed a piece of paper with a body part written on it. One other person at the party will have the same body part written on their piece of paper. Whether it says butt, hip or nose, the two people who match need to stay attached via that body part. If they break the connection, it's forfeit time!

'Tour de Franzia' – This inventive game is so much fun! Working as part of a two-person team, one guy or girl rides around the course on a bike of some sort and the other person downs as much 'Franzia' wine as possible!

'Slip It In' – At the beginning of the party, everyone is given a special phrase to slip into conversation throughout the course of the night. If they manage to do this without other people picking up on it, everyone has to take a drink!

'Medusa' – This game begins with a shot-covered table. Everyone puts their heads down on the table and then, on a signal, each person must lift their heads and stare at someone. If that person isn't looking back at you, you're OK, however, if your eyes meet with another persons, you both need to shout, 'Medusa!' and drink a shot!

'Get Down, Mr. President' – A designated person holds their hand up to the ear, just like they're a secret agent. Next, everyone else does the same as quickly as possible. The last person to do it has everyone else yell 'Get down Mr. President!' at them. They also get tackled to the floor!

'Edward Fortyhands' – You need understanding friends for this one as you will be tying one of them to a chair, strapping two 40s to their hands and making them drink the whole lot before they can be given their freedom!

'Giant Jenga' – This is great fun when you add some drinking forfeits into the mix!

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